I have been a terrible friend.
I have been ignoring you. I've been standoffish and awkward when I log in and look at you, and I think it's about time I gave you an explanation...
The truth is, I actually couldn't bare to write another entry that acknowledged I was no longer in London.
How pathetic is that?
It's up there with the time I burst into tears because my dog didn't jump up on the bed and I hastily concluded that she must really truly hate me. That level of pathetic.
What's even worse is my complete and utter lack of photography over the last few months. I can't justify that, I just can't. All I can say is film is expensive, I am incredibly poor, and Melbourne no longer seemed interesting enough to me. WHICHISALOADOFSHIT, and also incredibly pretentious.
SO, my little bloggy-boo, I am staging a self-motivating-intervention, and what better time to start then smack bang in the middle of exam period?! Because that is when I am at my most productive (side note here incase sarcasm isn't translated effectively on the online medium, I am terribly unproductive...for example, right now I should be writing a 2000 word essay due tomorrow...but here I am. Typing up a blog entry that almost nobody will actually see. Priorities.)
Anywho, the idea is that I will be putting photos up here weekly, shooting weekly, and rediscovering my lust for photography and my love for Melbourne.
I have no plan what I will be shooting, but rest assured, my grainy 35mm presence will return to the interweb.
Bonnie out.
Proof that she DOES love me: