Ladies and Gents,
It is that time again when I hide in the library, fall asleep on my laptop and live off vending machine foods. Despite spending hours upon hours upon h o u r s in the library, I seem incapable of getting anything done right up until the day before (and usually inclusive of) the day it's due.
It's something I've been trying to work on, but I just can't seem to shake the bad habit.
My cameras are gathering dust in my room and it makes me fucking sad. They look at me with their little sad lens eyes and beg to be used. Alas. Not until after the 4th of June.
In fact, on the 4th of June, I will take my camera with me when I hand in my two final essays of the semester (and of the year in Australia!) and then just run around euphorically snapping in every ones face, flailing my arms and throwing flowers everywhere all the while taking tequila shots off half naked Brazilian models.
That seems like a plan.
Will keep you updated.
Promise naked photos.
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